Depart from South Pacific

The Quetzal Tour

Among one of the most beautiful exotic birds in the world, the Quetzal is found in Las Tablas Protective Zone, a wildlife refuge in the wilderness of the South Pacific.

The tour begins with a 30 km scenic ride from San Vito to La Lucha, and then to Progreso, a route only 4×4 vehicles can tackle. This region is renowned for its rich biodiversity of flora and fauna. The cloud forest houses oak and laurel (aguacatillo) trees, the preferred food of Quetzals, making it one of the best places for birdwatching. Entirely surrounded by lush, green rainforest, you will get to observe a large variety of wildlife such as other exotic birds, mammals and insects.


Caño Island Snorkeling Tour

Caño Island is a biological reserve located 53 km from shore, featuring crystal-clear waters, the largest concentration of coral-building organisms along the Pacific Ocean, and is rated as the best spot for snorkeling and diving in Caño Rica.

On this tour, you will get to go snorkeling in the tropical paradise that is Caño Island, and observe and swim alongside incredible marine life such as sea turtles, stingrays, manta rays, moray eels, barracudas, tuna, snapper, parrot fish, and puffers. Thanks to the total visibility of the water, you’ll get to investigate the variety of marine life found near the coral reefs. You may also see white tipped reef sharks, and occasionally whale sharks and humpback whales.

Corcovado National Park

The Corcovado National Park is the largest stronghold of primary forest on the Pacific coastline, holds 3% of the biodiversity on this side of the planet, and is known as the most biologically intense place on Earth.

On this tour, you will get to discover the very depths of the Corcovado jungles. As you hike through the lush, green rainforests, be sure to look out for wildlife such as howler monkeys, sloths, exotic birds, and insects. Feel the indescribable thrill of exploring the wilderness of Corcovado.

Marino Ballena National Park

The Marino Ballena National Park is located in Bahia Ballena, Uvita, and is home to one of the most biologically diverse marine habitats in Costa Rica, renowned worldwide for whale watching.

On this tour, you will get exposed to some of the most spectacular marine life in Costa Rica. In order to see the legendary humpback whales thriving in their natural habitats, mid-July to the end of October, and again late December through late February, are the best range of dates. On a good day, you will get the opportunity to not only see the whales jump out of the water in a splash, but also hear them sing!

Marino Ballena Hike & Birdwatching Tour

The Marino Ballena National Park is located in Bahia Ballena, Uvita, and is home to one of the most biologically diverse habitats in Costa Rica, renowned worldwide for birdwatching.

On this tour, we will go on a nature hike through the Marino Ballena National Park. We will begin walking through the town of Bahia, past some historical vestiges including the oldest house in town, to Uvita Beach. After crossing a creek, we will go on a 3-hour adventure through jungle trails, past mangroves, and ever-changing bird habitats ideal for birdwatching. Keep an eye out for exotic birds of many species, as well as other wildlife, this area is home to howler monkeys, white-faced monkeys, sloths, bats, and raccoons.

Terraba Sierpe Mangrove Tour

Terraba Sierpe Mangrove, located near Bahia Ballena in Uvita, is one of the largest mangrove wetlands in all of Central America, designated as a Forest Reserve in 1977 and registered as a Wetlands International RAMSAR site in 1995. The site is entirely state-owned and managed by the Costa Rica Ministry for the Environment and Energy.

On this tour, we will get to discover the natural wonders of the wetlands on boat, as we float past the mangrove forests, mainly consisting of white, black, red, cat and pineapple mangrove trees. Look out for wildlife, this reserve is home to many species of birds, fish, shellfish, mammals, and reptiles. You will be able to spot resident and migratory bird species such as Herons, Egrets, Cotingas, and Pandion haliaetus.

Uvita Beach Kayaking & Snorkeling

The breathtaking Uvita Beach is ideally located right by Tombolo de Punta Uvita, locally known as the Whale’s Tail, and Marino Ballena National Park, and is perfect for kayaking and snorkeling.

On this tour, you will get to go kayaking in the crystal- clear waters of Uvita. Be sure to take in the amazing views of distant mountains and Costa Ballena. After guided paddling for about 40 minutes, we will stop right by an amazing coral reef, where you can go snorkeling and discover the mesmerizing marine life.

La Amistad International Park

La Amistad International Park is the Costa Rica’s largest park, spanning over 400,000 hectares, and hosts a wide variety of flora and fauna.

in the country, the park is home to a diverse range of animals, including jaguars, tapirs, pumas, ocelots, the five species of monkeys, sloths, coatis, peccaries, and a wide variety of birds such as quetzals, bellbirds, eagles, cotingas, hawks, and hummingbirds—totaling over 450 bird species.

The tour begins with a scenic, hour and a half car ride from San Vito to Santa Maria de Pittier, where we will choose a trail (Rio Canasta, La Catarata, or Cerro Pittier) at the park ranger station. Whichever trail you choose, it will be an exhilarating 3-hour nature hike through lush, green jungle. Keep an eye out for wildlife, the park is home to jaguars, tapirs, pumas, ocelots, monkeys, sloths, coatis, peccaries, quetzals, bellbirds, eagles, cotingas, hawks, and hummingbirds.

After the hike, you will have a delicious typical Costa Rican lunch at Cerro Pittier Lodge. We will be stopping at the hot springs for your leisure, pleasure and relaxation, where you can soak and simmer in the thermal waters.

El Salto del Angelito Waterfall

The enchanting El Salto del Angelito Waterfall is located within Las Tablas Protective Zone, amongst lush green jungle.

On this tour, we will go on a 9 km nature hike through jungle trails to the waterfall, making for a round-trip of 6 hours. The trail begins with a fairly long ascent but later continues with less steep inclines and declines. In some sections, the terrain is quite technical, suitable for individuals with some hiking experience and a moderate level of physical fitness.

Corredores Caves

An exciting adventure awaits in Ciudad Neily of the South Pacific – exploring the Corredores Caves, renowned to be the most beautiful caverns in Costa Rica.

The tour begins with a beautiful 2.5 km nature hike alongside Rio Corredores, over rocks and boulders. Be sure to take in the natural beauty around you, and look out for wildlife – this region is home to exotic birds, frogs, monkeys, and butterflies. Once having entered the caves, you will surely be impressed by the incredible stalactites and stalagmites mineral formations. There will be bats and insects. The cavern has a subterranean river flowing through it, in which you will be able to see shrimp and catfish.

Coffee Lovers Tour

Costa Rica is home to some of the world’s finest coffee thanks to its volcanic, mineral-infused soil.

Ideal for coffee lovers, this tour is both theoretical and practical. You will get the opportunity to learn all about coffee, from the cultivation cycles, varieties, bean harvesting, and drying processes, to the roasting processes, methods and infusions. Afterward, you will taste a variety of different coffee beans, and discover the distinct and delicious aromas of Costa Rican coffee.

Boruca Ethno-Tourism Experience

Ethno-tourism incorporates authentic cultural immersion to visitors’ experiences, by visiting territories occupied by indigenous populations.

On this tour, we will visit the indigenous territory of Boruca. We will be received by a Boruca family, and we will learn first-hand about their culture and traditions. We will visit a workshop in which we will witness the making of hand-colored masks, the extraction of dyes form plants, and learn how these dyes are used to make handbags and bracelets.

If we have time, we will visit the Boruca Museum, where you can learn all about the history, and different legends of the Boruca, as well as visit the Finca 6 and the Museum of the Spheres, recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, in Sierpe de Osa.

Horseback Riding

Horseback riding is the biggest attraction in the estate of Hacienda Don Efra, located in La Libertad Gutiérrez Braun, 18 km from San Vito.

On this tour, we will go horseback riding through the trails of the estate, past cattle, coffee plantations, fruit trees, forests, and spectacular panoramic views. The horses are gentle and well-trained, suitable for riders of all ages and calibers, including children.

La Casona Ethno-Tourism Experience

Ethno-tourism incorporates authentic cultural immersion to visitors’ experiences, by visiting territories occupied by indigenous populations.

On this tour, we will visit the indigenous territory of La Casona, located in the Limoncito district, home to 2600 people within an area of 11,000 hectares. The community of La Casona are known as the Ngäbe people, speak the Ngäbe-Buglé language, and primarily engage in agricultural work such as coffee harvesting, farming of cacao, tubers, rice, beans, and livestock. We will learn all about their culture, the making of traditional medicine, visit petroglyphs, and get the opportunity to purchase their crafts, giving us insights into the rich cultural heritage and practices of the Ngäbe community.

Cacao Experience

Costa Rica is home to some of the finest cocoa in the world.

On this tour, we will visit the agroforestry farm El Cristóbal and Chocolates Don Trino, and learn all about the artisanal production processes of cocoa and chocolate products.

We will first explore the cocoa plantation, witness how cocoa is cultivated, and get to taste fresh fruit straight from the tree. Next, we’ll see fermentation, sun-drying, and the roasting process conducted in solar-powered artisanal machines. We will then enter a small factory where chocolates and other cocoa-derived products are made, and you’ll get to create your own chocolate bonbon with the filling of your choice. To conclude the tour, you’ll enjoy a chocolate-based beverage paired with homemade bread. Your guide will inform you on the medicinal properties and various uses of cocoa plants in Costa Rica.